There is a huge white oak in my back yard that is probably over 125 years old. (I know this because two others of the same era have had to be removed over the years... sniff.)
It's lowest limb is over 30 feet from ground level.
Recently, on one of the first warm days of the year, I was sitting beneath it's broad, bare canopy staring up into it's massive limbs. These strong, protective arms stretch so wide that they reach far into adjoining properties. I was reminded then of how much I love this tree.
It is home to many of my friend Charise's beloved squirrels and if I were a critter or bird,
I too, would choose to live here. It provides dappled sun in spring, much needed shade in summer, and a plethora of leaves in fall to rake and jump into. Though my bare feet aren't crazy about the acorns, it's dignity is overwhelming.
During the SuperMoon this weekend, I took these photos hoping to capture some of it's aura and majesty.
Lucky Squirrels!